
AfroWay is all about accuracy, we verify what we put up on this platform. We take into account, track and respond to feedback the best way we can.


AfroWay is not in the job of spinning or manipulating facts in a source or advertisers’ favor or its partners or to profit from the information and this applies to every Afroway staffer.

Sponsored articles shall be duly tagged-in proper disclosure-to distinguish it from our originally produced work.

We are not in the job of spinning or manipulating facts in a source or advertisers’ favor or its partners or to profit from the information. This applies to every Afroway staffer.

Sponsored articles shall be duly tagged-in proper disclosure-to distinguish it from our originally produced work.


If identified, notified and deemed appropriate, we shall make corrections to the original post or publication with appropriate explanation, these changes will be made in a way or manner similar to the post.

Social Media

It’s in AfroWay sole discretion to post or publish any statements or information shared online and meant for public consumption including, information shared on social networks, such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. This shall in all manner be done in a fair and balanced way.


Product reviews are at our editorial discretion and not influenced by companies or with preconditions. We shall by our own judgement do reviews for any form of product including music and film.

With pre-release product reviews we shall honor any restrictions as provided by the originator and equally so demand we will expect that it is clear that these agreements shall not affect the content of the review.

For hardware reviews, the product remains the property of the maker and shall be returned after the review has been published unless otherwise as agreed with the makers which shall be in contract form.

Afroway also reviews products it has purchased on its own and they are bought by the finance office, editor or writer who would be reviewing it.

Affiliate links

Afroway is not responsible for content on affiliate links and do not influence its reporting.

These links are included for:

  • for more relevant, source material, useful information and for entertainment


This is Afroway’s primary source of revenue. These adverts anywhere on this publication shall be marked or highlighted as such.

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